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Scholarly Articles

Marmelstein, R.E., Hunt, A.L, Eroh, C.  “Evolving a Low Price Strategy for Distressed Securities”, Proceedings of the 2016 International conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2016), New York, NY, July 2016.


 Marmelstein, R.E., Lee, Eun-Joo. “Integrating Games Into The Computer Science Curriculum: From General Education To The Graduate Level”, Proceedings of the 2013 International conference on Frontiers in Education:  Computer Science and Engineering (FECS 2013), pp. 321-328, Las Vegas, NV, July 2013.

Marmelstein, Robert E., Balch, Bryan., Campion, Scott .R., Foss, Michael L., Devito, Mary G. “Evolutionary Refinement of Trading Algorithms for Dividend Stocks”, In Proceedings of the 2012 International conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods (GEM 2012), pp. 43-48, Las Vegas, NV, July 2012.

Marmelstein, R.E., Devito, M.G., Campion, S.R., Foss, M.L. “Automated Validation and Refinement of Equity Trading Strategies”, In Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Computer and Information Science Educators (PACISE 2012), Millersville, PA, March 2012.

Che, D.,  Hockenbury, C. , Marmelstein, R.E., and, and Rasheed, K. “Classification of genomic islands using decision trees and their ensemble algorithms”, BMC Genomics. 2010 Nov 2011 Suppl 2:S1.

Lakshminarasimhan, P., Liu, Q., Marmelstein, R.E., Devito, M., and Che, D. “Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach for Haplotype Inference”. The 2010 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BioComp 2010), pp. 202-208.

Lakshminarasimhan, P., Liu, Q., Marmelstein, R.E., Devito, M., and Che, D. “Maximum Likelihood Based Genetic Algorithm for Inferring Haplotypes from Genotypes”. The 2010 International Conference on Educational Technology and Computers (ICETC 2010), V5, pp. 92-96.

Che, D., Hockenbury, C. , Marmelstein, R.E., and, and Rasheed, K. “Classification of genomic islands using decision-tree based algorithms”. The 2009 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BioComp 2009), pp. 252-258.


Marmelstein, Robert E., Devito, Mary G., Linderman, Mark H., Coleman, Norman, P.  “TIPS – A System for Contextual Prioritization of Tactical Messages”, Proceedings of the 14th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (14th ICCRTS), Washington, DC, June 2009.


Marmelstein, Robert E., Devito, Mary G., Mungo, Christoper D.  “Link Analysis for Tactical Information Prioritization”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Data Mining, Cadiz, Spain, May 2008.


Kurtz, Marc A., Marmelstein, Robert E., Devito, Mary G.  "Using HL7 Chief Complaint Data For Infectious Disease Detection", In Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Computer and Information Science Educators (PACISE 2008), Kutztown, PA, April 2008.  [Received Best Paper Award for Conference]


Marmelstein, Robert E., Devito, Mary G.  "Automated Person Tracking using Simulated Sensors", In Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Computer and Information Science Educators (PACISE 2008), Kutztown, PA, April 2008.

Marmelstein, Robert E.  “Force Templates:  A Blueprint for Coalition Interaction within an Infosphere”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, May/June 2002, pp. 36-41.


Marmelstein, Robert E.  “The Outlook Y-JBI:  An E-Mail based Approach to Prototyping the Joint Battlespace Infosphere”, Proceedings of the 6th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Annapolis, MD June, 2001.


Kinzig, C., Thirunarayan, K, Lamont, G.B., and Marmelstein, R.E., “Summarizing Data Sets for Classification”, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 681-687, May 2001.


Marmelstein, Robert E., and Gary B. Lamont. "A new approach for evolving clusters." In Proceedings of the 1999 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 268-274. ACM, 1999.


Marmelstein, Robert E. and Lamont, Gary B.  “A Method for Mining Simplified Decision Rule Sets”, Proceeding of the International ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications (CIMA’99), ICSC Academic Press, 1999.


Marmelstein, Robert E., Lonnie Hammock, and Gary B. Lamont.  “A Concurrent Approach for Evolving Compact Decision Rule Sets”, In Proceedings of the Aerosense ‘99 Conference:  Symposium on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.  April 1999.


Marmelstein, Robert E., and Gary B. Lamont. "GRaCCE: A Genetic Environment for Data Mining.". In Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference. ASME Press. 1998.


Marmelstein, Robert E., and Gary B. Lamont. "Evolving Compact Decision Rule Sets." In Late Breaking Papers at the Genetic Programming 1998 Conference, University of Wisconsin, edited by John R. Koza, pp. 144-150. 1998.


Marmelstein, Robert E., and Gary B. Lamont. "Pattern Classification using a Hybrid Genetic Program." In Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third, edited by John R. Koza, and Wolfgang Banzhaf, pp. 223-231. Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.


Van Veldhuizen, D. A., Sandlin, B. S., Marmelstein, R. E., Lamont, G. B., & Terzuoli, A. J. (1998, May). Finding improved wire-antenna geometries with genetic algorithms. In Evolutionary Computation Proceedings, 1998. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence., The 1998 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 102-107).


Marmelstein, Robert E.  “Application of Genetic Algorithms to Data Mining”, In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Midwest AI and Cognitive Science (MAICS) Conference, Dayton, OH, June 1997.


Marmelstein, Robert E. "The APEX design system." In Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 1989. NAECON 1989., Proceedings of the IEEE 1989 National, pp. 521-527. IEEE, 1989.


Marmelstein, Robert E.  “The APEX Design Methodology”, In Proceedings of the Ada Expo 1988 Conference, Anaheim, CA.  October 1988.


Marmelstein, Robert E. “A Methodology for the Evaluation of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools”, In Software Engineering and Its Application to Avionics: Papers Presented at the Avionics Panel Symposium held in Çeşme, Turkey, 25-29 April 1988.


Marmelstein, Robert E. "The Interactive Ada Workstation: a prototype for next generation software environments." In Proceedings of the Joint Ada conference fifth national conference on Ada technology and fourth Washington Ada Symposium, pp. 54-62. George Washington University, 1987.

Books & Book Chapters

Lamont, Gary B., Robert E. Marmelstein, and David A. Van Veldhuizen. "A distributed architecture for a self-adaptive computer virus immune system." New ideas in optimization. McGraw-Hill Ltd., UK, 1999.


Marmelstein, Robert E., Programming Computer Games with C.  Published: Sept, 1994 - M&T Books (Henry Holt, Inc).

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