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Courses Taught & Developed (**)

  • Thesis I/II (CPSC 598/599)

  • Research I (CPSC 575)

  • Introduction to Research (CPSC 570)

  • Abstract Language Theory (CPSC 563)

  • Theory of Computation (CPSC 562)

  • Data Structures and Algorithms (CPSC 554)

  • Robotics (CPSC 527)

  • Game Development [in Unity] (CPSC 442) **

  • Compiler Construction (CPSC 433/533)

  • Advanced Internet & Web Programming (CPSC 427/527) **

  • Internet & Web Programming (CPSC 327)

  • Issues in the Practice of Computer Science (CPSC 321)

  • Computer Organization (CPSC 141)

  • Introduction to Programming [in Java] (CPSC 130)

  • Games, Robots, and Intelligence [General Education] (CPSC 108) **

  • Intro to Information Systems [General Education]  (CPSC 103) **

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